Seeds By Three

The Elements Zodiac Pack for Gemini


Curious  Adaptable   Intelligent 

 Use this blend when you are feeling a nervous energy, when you are needing a creative boost or when you want to stimulate your natural charm.

The Elements Zodiac Pack comes with 10 ml Gemini Essential oil blend, 10 ml Gemini Roll on and 3 Crystals (Blue Quartz, Howlite and Moonstone)

Essential oil blend ingredients: Lemongrass, basil, Lavender 

Roll On ingredients:  Jojoba oil, Lemongrass, basil, Lavender 

Vivacious and stimulating, Gemini is a great asset at parties. They are bright, quick-witted, and fun. This mutable sign goes with the flow and can often change their mind on a whim. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is an avid communicator. They see both sides of an argument but can be prone to flighty gossip. Charming and disarming, Gemini often finds themselves playing the diplomat and would thrive in a career involving public speaking or writing. There is a dual aspect to the Gemini however: a yin/yang quality. While intellectual and energetic, they can also be inwardly focused and indecisive. There’s a tendency in this air sign to float off into space or have a nervous energy. 

Lavender helps calm the twins’ nerves and bring each side of their mutable personality back to center. Lemongrass supports Gemini’s quick mind and wit while helping to focus their thoughts. Basil taps into the Mercurian’s imagination and embroiders a sense of balance and brightness.

Gemini’s quick-wit and natural communication skills are enhanced by blue stones, particularly the vibrant Blue Quartz. This stone helps bring diplomacy to Gemini’s sometimes-sharp tongue and deepens their connection with others. It also helps them lean into flexibility and calms their urge to fidget and fuss which deepens their ability to be grounded and spiritual.

Gemini is soothed by Howlite, allowing some moments of calm and clarity in their otherwise busy minds. This crystal sharpens and brings forward their best ideas more readily and brings a heightened perception to their hidden realms.

Moonstone connects Gemini with their softer, more emotional side. It grounds their otherwise frantic and flighty natures and brings about a spiritual energy that can often elude the air sign. Moonstone heightens their perceptions and allows them to act on their authentic insights with discernment.



Directly from the bottle or breathe in 2 – 3 drops rubbed in palms for immediate relief.


Place 5 – 10 drops in a diffuser or oil burner. The amount depends on the size of the room and preference for strength of aroma.


Add 5 drops to 10 ml of carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil etc


For a deeply relaxing bath add 10 – 20 drops to a full bath.

Cotton Ball

Place a few drops on a cotton ball and put under your pillow, in the car vent or tuck into a pocket.

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