Seeds By Three

Basic Essence Zodiac Kit for Pisces


Imaginative  wise  Compassionate

Basic Essence Zodiac Kit comes with 2 crystals (Carnelian and Labradorite) and Pisces Organic Essential Oil Blend

Essential oil blend ingredients: Lavender, Lemon* Patchouli, Ylang Ylang

*Non organic oil 

Kit also comes ready for gifting in a sturdy metal box with a beautiful black matte finish




Always adaptive, Pisces flows in and out of any situation like their mutable water element suggests. They feel their way through life and are deeply affected emotionally by their surroundings. They have a multi-faceted nature, always seeming to swim in multiple directions. Intuitive and nurturing, they have an inner need to help others, often gravitating towards healing practices or the artistic world. “Alone time” is essential for the fish, adorning their inner sanctums with candles, soft music, and fluffy pillows. Changeable in nature, they can come off as wishy-washy and can be prone to drifting off into a world of fantasy.

Ylang ylang nurtures Pisces sensitive side and boosts their intuitive understanding. Lemon grounds Pisces from their sometimes spaciness. Lavender supports Pisces need to disconnect from the outer world and enjoy some time alone while Patchouli helps them reach different, deeper levels of consciousness.

The traditional birthstone of Pisces, Amethyst supports the fish’s spiritual nature and intuitive abilities. It offers protection in the inner realms and carries a peaceful quality. It encourages self-reflection and helps them release difficult feelings that linger from past experiences. It supports the sign’s desire to help others and reduces their desire to run away when things get challenging.

Pisces is offered a boost in motivation and passion from the energy of Carnelian. It encourages them to play with their creative abilities and bring their wildest ideas to fruition. There is a happy, vital energy to this stone that helps Pisces cast aside any negativity or resentment. It gives them the boost they need to accomplish their goals with a sense of fun and spontaneity.

Labradorite is a protective stone that encourages Pisces to spend time in transformative self-reflection and get in touch with their intuitive natures. The protective elements help ground Pisces as they reveal their inner truths and helps them navigate change. It balances Pisces more difficult emotions while revealing their best selves.


Directly from the bottle or breathe in 2 – 3 drops rubbed in palms for immediate relief.


Place 5 – 10 drops in a diffuser or oil burner. The amount depends on the size of the room and preference for strength of aroma.


Add 5 drops to 10 ml of carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil etc


For a deeply relaxing bath add 10 – 20 drops to a full bath.

Cotton Ball

Place a few drops on a cotton ball and put under your pillow, in the car vent or tuck into a pocket.

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